Is “I Do” Worth The Money?

Worth The Money

Everyone wants to be loved by someone in life. Marriage is an essential part of life and people get married in order to live with their loved ones. However, do the words “I Do” really come cheap? Well, I don’t think so. Love actually costs as much as $40,000 from the time you propose to your girlfriend to the time you both actually get married. A recent survey, it was revealed that a one-year relationship followed by an engagement to the actual wedding day can cost somewhere in-between $40,000 to $45,000. Well, that’s a lot of money but it actually goes unnoticed as after all love is blind. Learn more about different methods of earning some extra cash, on this website:

How To Save Money In A Relationship

Well, there is no shortcut to saving money in a relationship. If your life partner really loves you he/she will fully understand your financial position. Moreover, if your life partner is actually in love with you then they won’t even bother asking you for material things.

Communication – communication in any relationship is extremely important. There should be no communication gap between you and your partner. Communication gaps always lead to misconceptions and stress. Always seek to figure out problems and queries by communicating with your partner.

Avoid giving excessive gifts – One of my friends was madly in love with her girlfriend. He used to give her expensive gifts almost every month despite the fact that his financial condition was not stable enough. After just a year when he stopped giving gifts to his girlfriend due to his worsening financial condition, they both started having regular fights. Eventually, both of them separated as the communication gap between them expanded.

Make a budget and stick to it – most people don’t make a budget when they are in a relationship. Well, I believe that one should make a budget even if he/she is not in a relationship. You should make a realistic budget and then stick to it. This will not only help you spend the right amount of money but will also help you save some money at the end of every month.

Money Management Once You Are Married

Now there are certain things you need to do after marriage. The first and foremost thing that you must do is calculate your net worth as a couple. Sit with your spouse and share information regarding your full-time and part-time income. Moreover, if your spouse is a working professional then ask her for her income information too. On the other hand, you must also determine your future living standards. You can both adopt a lavish lifestyle if you have the income to support it but please don’t fake it. If you are operating on a tight budget then don’t try to adopt a fancy lifestyle.

Furthermore, you should also discuss your future plans as a couple and how your plans will have an influence on your finances. If you plan to have a baby then see how much finances would you need in the short run in order to bear the expenses of a baby. Last but not least you should try to save money at the end of each month. If feasible open a savings account and at the end of each month deposit a certain amount of money in it. Over the years you will have enough money saved for your retirement.


The bottom line is that one should not let his/her marriage get affected by a lack of finances. In order to live a happy and prosperous life with your life partner, you must plan your future. Learn more about various strategies that you can use to avoid getting scammed, on this website: